As I started playing chess again, I did almost nothing of what I wanted/should have done lately. Just did tactics and played and.
On the other end, I've slept during the night for the whole week, no white night or anything.
Our neighbour gave use lots of clothes size 52 (I don't know) and, as I needed fabric, I used skirts to make jabot-like things.
Though this one was a (sort of) table runner:
Yeah, didn't sleep that day. I found out a bunch of people preparing for what seemed to be a run, it was the annual run or marathon thing or whatever, 2 kilometers. Asked if I could watch, then I went to volunteer by error, 'cause one asked be to distribute water and I was too lazy/scared to walk away.
Anyway, I took a picture that I can't publish of someone running wearing a costume crinoline, so it's kind of a win.
One guy asked me if I was "passionate about athletism" and to ogle the coureurs, which would be the male runners... WTF?
I always end up like that in photos!
How am I going to do everything I should have done before the end of the week?
I'm wearing this necklace I made:
It says flowers are kinky! If it wasn't true, how would you explain the things they do with these racy, waspish things?
I found a lot of stuffs with great colors:
I got a lot of these things for free at the friperie. It's a corset under the other things. My brain is too tired to speak english.