Monday, I showed up for free at the preview (for you french-lovers:
avant-premièèère) of
The Ballad of Genesis and Lady Jaye, at the Star
cinéma or, as called by our neighbors,
kino (enough is enough, it means theater!)
That movie is
so good.
I thought the making was wonder, that it was romantic and dreamy and $h!tanities like that, then finally Marie Losier, the filmmaker, explained that she didn't know anything about the technical parts of the job and that it was just like that, without having particularly sought anything, and that she thought it was pretty herself.
Someone asked herself: if they really wanted to fusion, why didn't they commit suicide together?
I believe that, as they already committed fusion, they are the pandrogyne. If one die, the other stay, so the person resulting from the fusion, the pandrogyne, is still there, with what was of Lady Jaye with it.
Cliché: that movie was really inspiring. It goes with these stuffs I've been injected recently, such as
Meadham Kirchhoff's spring/summer 2012 collection and that of Fatima Lopes (simple, but just as kitsch, and watching the runway I thought the clotches'd look good on some moon base in some past future.) (I saw it on Fashion TV, was already badly recorded and can't find any watchable source.)
I mean the universes can be similar and assimilate each others, even if I don't know if Fatima Lopes' collection had anything to do with gender.
I was wearing more or less that outfit:

Jacket, necklace: thriftshop Le Léopard, jeans: JNY Jeans (?), boots: Cable.
'Cause I came on a bike. (cliché?)
Wearing jeans made me feel like a cowboy (despite the fact that it was uncomfortable.) and that vest is like the pandrogyne of Prince's
Purple Rain jacket and those of Elvis and Liberace ; I'd like to understand why people are actually insulting me more when I'm wearing it, the leather hypothesis fell apart as soon as the butcher entered the game.
Please note that I really force myself to go OUT with that camera! I avoided that since
unfortunate stuffs (see my own comments) that happened to me in the past, but the people doing these things use any pretext available, if it's not the camera they ask you which way to go. Even if it become frighteningly physical, they'll still think you're a bad person and that it's your fault if they end up all alone.
In the same box of stuffs you push yourself to do because you WANT to do these, I'm gonna be a volonteer at our LGBTI community center and put this category on the front-page. At the beginning of the year, I thought, I wanted to volonteer for the SFEPM (chiropetra group), but was never able to push me to approach the place.