So, if Sunday you're free, why don't you come with me and we'll poison pigeons in the park? By the way, I'm back and will try to post more often.
Recently, I made (with other people) and read zines. I read GQ Tales & Mend my Dress. I cut out some pages to pin them on my well, those of Confidence, what a cliché. BELIEVE ME when I tell you I just pinned those because my wall lacked something and it was pretty!
It's nice, if something written in it offend/bother/whatever me I can strike or glue paper on it with something else written on. I could with professional magazines, but the paper is different and it's just not the same, not as personal, not as authentic.
In the last Worn, apart from an article on some really inspiring person with an almost all-handmade wardrobe who also made some kind of "sewing space" (edit: I checked, that's Karyn Valino!), there is an article on gender identity and it's not binary-centered! It's also not from an historical point-of-view, like Sexing La Mode; it all makes me happy and
Erika Neilly, who contribute to Worn and was interviewed for the article and took pictures, have other projects on gender identity! I already saw A Study of Underwear somewhere else and didn't even knew it was from her!
I recently found back my old Polaroid, but it's a Joycam and its photographic films aren't produced anymore since a looong time. I just need to find someone to manipulate with my mind so that they buy me a Polaroid 636 and films from
The Impossible Project. (I thought about trying to make Polaroid films myself, but I saw a video and it seems so complicated and expensive and maybe dangerous; plus, my Joycam's battery seemed to have been in the films like in some other polaroids if I understand well.)
8 January, 29 February:

Everything from Le Léopard friperie except white blouse (La Redoute), skirt (bought at the Halle aux Vêtements in 2008), denim jacket (gift), velvet/denim thingy (bis) and gangar (childhood thing.)
Stuffs I wanted to share:
Feminism for real by Jessica Yee,
Hacking Couture,
Counterfeit Chic (interesting articles as I don't read stuffs from that point of view very often), see links from
Counterfeit Crochet.
25 February :
I went to Emmaüs (sort-of a french Goodwill, you buy and give stuffs and money goes to poor people) and bought old
Anna and
Fait Main from 1982-1996,
The Voyage of the Space Beagle, other books, yarn and a necklace that makes me think about archeology. I made a bat barrette in felt and thought about making a necklace representing
a bat's anatomy or that of other animals in wood, plasticine or something else? (not the complete skeletton, parts of it and [group of] bones... I get what I'm saying!) A small articulated bat with fake fur and interlining. (I've more ideas totally unrelated to bats and more related to
wearable computing and the like, but I have to do some searches first.)
I could make the bones in wood and organs in plasticine.
Last year, same month, I wanted to volunteer for
SPFEM's chiroptera group, but it was both too early and too late and I didn't think about it anymore because I never thought about going to the reunions.
I almost bough boots, but these were pink and I thought I couldn't wear pink boots because of all the things associated with pink; since then, I can't stop thinking about those boots and with what they could be worn!

P. P. -S : Does anyone knows whether Anne Fausto-Sterling is a gread read?