Today I succeeded at waking up at 11AM (my initial goal: 7:30AM) to go to an informal training in weaving.
Using a weaving loom is really tiring, but you feel real cool. The clients enter and see you using the thing, and it looks good. Also, there are lots of pretty clothes around and stuffs to make clothes with. And finally, it's not really tiring, it's just the hippie boss or something forgot to turn on the ventilator, so you're getting really warm ; I think my body should always be this tired, in fact it's like when I had a normal school kid life and was tired from walking home, maybe I'll finally be able to sleep normally tonight as I'm not as stressed as I was in school, and more physically tired than when I just stay home.
So for short, here are pictures of one outfit with what seems to be my favorite skirt. I wanted to talk about some other things, Vionnet and all, but have been really busy with having a life and am tired and I like my life these days. I'll try updating with some photos another day.
There are so many things I want to do, but don't have time. At least it means that I'm getting better.
Wish you all the best!