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Friday, January 25. 2013And they love each other so, androgynous
I'm supposed to be in bed now, but here I am writing! English title not so fit, because those outfits aren't what is considered aesthetically androgynous, but I'm just listening to that song. French title is a translation of a sentence from Nina Simone's I wish I knew how it felt to be free, so you get The Replacements since I'm listening to that now.
![]() Now I'm listening to Nina Simone again. I recently bought purple lipstick for 3€ at Claire's, so that outfit was constructed around that and around the fact that it was friggin' cold. After a while, that lipstick become clearer like in that picture then a bit blue and the starting color is nice too! It's not the shade of purple I wanted first, but I like it and it's great for the price. You can see it better in this photo: ![]() I'm smiling because I want to. I hate that idea that I'm a bad person if I don't smile or "stupid" (hate that word!) if I smile without a reason. Some people really think these stuffs! Skirt, clip-on earrings: fleamarket, blouse & sweater: old La Redoute. I did that with Gimp as I was bored and lost the original picture: ![]() I did that without searching any result in particular, but now see how it could be better. In the end, it looks kind of like an old paperdoll collaged over an old photography. You have trouble seeing the scarf thing, but I wanted to show you how I tied it up, knotted it, however you say. I'm wearing my hair this way more and more often as I think I look better like that. I think I'm gonna cut these, maybe in a bob like Louise Brooks' or a long pixie with some hair going on my face like this. Any ideas? I think it's doable on my own, hmm, I think I'm gonna do that on impulse like when I got a fringe. I also like this bob, but too long: it looks too much like when I had a fringe and shorter hair. Thursday, January 24. 2013Liebster Award
Thanks to Donna from PrettySparklyThings who nominated me (classy!) for the Liebster Award. As I'm lazy and lacked sleep, I'm only answering now, almost two weeks (12 days) after I said I would. Sorry-sorry.
![]() This sweater is fantastic and you don't need to see my sleepy eyes. The Liebster Award is for "up-and-coming blogs with less than 200 followers", and I'm really flattered to be considered an up-and-coming blog ! Here are the rules for participating: • Thank and link back to the person who nominated you • Write 11 random facts about yourself • Answer the 11 questions written by the person who nominated you • Nominate 11 other bloggers (she said it was optional, so anybody who wants to participate, just comment and I'll link to your blog!) • Write 11 questions for the other bloggers to answer Nominees so far: Who wants? Here are my 11 more or less interesting facts: 1. I'm listening to a cover of Prince's Nothing compares to you, on Baden.FM, by somebody and I like it but keep comparing with the original which makes me hate it, and I feel like I'm not objective even though no human being can be objective about anything; 2. I'm wearing nothing but a tee and skirt, still I feel way too warm even though it's cold?! 3. I recently found a lot of money on the floor, which was really helpful as there are things I needed to buy and couldn't have afforded within months otherwise! 4. When I'm walking around in the city streets with nothing to do, but needing to go somewhere three hours later, I like visiting galleries (no entry fees) and imagine clothes and accessories from what they're exposing: it makes me appreciate art I'd have never appreciated otherwise and have another insight on what I like anyway; 5. Lately I liked the artists Willi Siber, Jean-Daniel Salvat, Gabriele Chiari, Pierre-Alain Münger and ??? Ors; 6. Trying to find the last lady's first name and business card, I ransacked my backpack and found a flyer dated a week before the opening of my city's LGBTI community center (two years ago) and a bus ticket from 2009; 7. I keep EVERYTHING to avoid forgetting, at least be able to remember or (joy!) rediscover what I forgot be it names, events or anything, it doesn't work because I'm too messy but I'm a bit scared of doing otherwise and throwing stuffs away and forget forever; 8. Even so, I keep stuffs I'm scared my mom (or some other people) might see, but I keep and hoard and it almost makes her want to snoop on my mess to clean it; 9. My cousin has a czechoslovakian wolfdog; 10. I love thrifting. Those are stuffs I bought from Vetis, a thrift store slash vintage clothing store (it has both a 1kg/1€ section and another with vintage clothes, plus stuffs that are new but almost made it to the landfills.) I got the "4€" bow tie for FREE, the skirt for 7.5€ which was kind of expensive for me even though it was half-price, brand new men's overalls for 2.5€ and a bunch of other stuffs (a backpack, hats, tees, one beautiful silk tie...) My mom found brand new, only worn once Sioux (an expensive brand, which made it for her as she mostly wear clothes from supermarkets that she bought years ago) shoes for 5€, and nice pants in the 1kg/1€ section, which made her a thrifting convert. Never again she'll criticize my second-hand clthing addiction. I got a load of belts from the 1kg for 1€ section, and only after I got home did I realize how much of a great find some of these were. Some of it was a bit expensive (don't mock me, I usually buy skirts for 1-2€ or less on fleamarkets), but the 1kg/1€ section was a real blast for accessories. 'Twas for only 20€ (if you subtract mom's shoes and that skirt, it must have been around 6-7€!) ![]() 11. Sunday, I'm playing in a chess team and have to wake up early. Wish me to do and sleep well! My answers to the 11 questions (minus one about my favorite subjects to read about, too few brain power): What blog post would you write if you could do ANYTHING? Pretend that you'd have money, great camera and lighting equipment (if necessary), as many assistants as you needed, you could be anywhere, and you'd look great in any type of clothing.I already look great in any type of clothing! I think I'd take pictures of beautiful things at night; I suck at taking night pictures, and they could help me out, and maybe something really abstract-looking... There are so many I could do, but I need to be put in that situation IRL to get ideas (or have a bit more time!) What color clothing do you have the most of? Black or red, maybe (clothes I need to recycle) blue. Have you done any collaborations yet? Sadly no. I'm open to anything, though! You can contact me here if you're interested. What are your hobbies? You should have a pretty good idea of these just by reading this post ![]() What are your favorite TV programs, if you watch TV? I watch movies, Fashion TV, kitsch stuffs like Premiers Baisers and the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air (I hope Will Smith approve of me calling this kitsch, in the other case I'm sorry.) (Will, your daughter is amazing!) Lately I watched regularly Xena, Sliders, the Addams Family when it was on one of the german channels (as well as on my computer...), Bewitched, stuffs about fashion on Histoire (history channel) and Arte (french/german culture channel.) When I was a kid, I watched Cousin Skeeter, Sister, Sister, tiny Mary-Kate and Ashley's TV show, the animated series with Mary-Kate and Ashley, Kenan and Kel and the number of actors incarning characters named after them is enthusing! Also, Are You Afraid of the Dark?, le S-Club 7, Pokémon, Art Attack, other stuffs, Sabrina the TV show, Re-7 (french program about video games), Family Matters and Fantômette the animated series as well as the TV series when I was even smaller (it got me interested in computers!), The Little Vampire TV series as well as the movie again and again, etc. I don't remember what age I was during all that, but the memories are still clear. Watching TV set my tastes and values and stuffs, so these programs are to thank for the amazing person I am now! These taught me so much things, including how to not get your arm caught in a soda distributor. Please don't go back in the past to keep me from watching. I also just saw the whole Ellen sitcom on Youtube.What makes you the happiest about your blog? Readers, unknown to me in real life, leaving caring or interesting comments. This blog is also helpful to be less scared of people's reactions, ie. when I post a photo and I think I look weird or when I think my ideas are bad/not interesting. It might be really cheesy to say, but so it is! Do you have any pet peeves about blogs? Is there something that makes you decide NOT to read a blog post? I don't like embedded music players, but that's about it. Laziness, not being able to concentrate and lack of time are what makes me decide to not read a blog post. What social media do you like the best? (there can be more than one) Blogs and stuffs like bookcrossing.com. I wonder if there is anything like Garmentcrossing, where you'd set an accessory or piece of clothing some place and people could take it and wear it for a while, then put it back where they took it. Would be fun! Do you like reading about celebrity fashion? Why or why not? I don't like the mean "flop and top" articles, these kind of kills creativity and are often full of body policing. I like reading about the styles of celebrities I like, where they get their inspiration, how to imitate it (those are always fun to read!) and maybe a DIY how-to written by the celebrity hirself? Is there anything that you wish that you could do more of with your blog?I want to post more. I thought about posting drawings, and more photography, but had no time for it and didn't think about posting. My 11 questions: 1. What's written on the first object on your left? (or right, if nothing is written on this one) 2. Put your music player on shuffle mode. Press play. Now, don't lie, what's on? 3. What's your first memory? (Mine is being 2-years-old and getting scratched by a kitty, it took me fifteen years and a half to not be scared of them anymore! Nowadays, cats are scared of me; I won.) 4. Your favorite theme song? 5. Your favorite game? 6. What's your greatest hope, the thing you want the more in life? 7. Fast, say something smart (or not) on a subject conventionally considered smart and serious. 8. Is there something you're dying to say these days? Write it. 9. Who do you admire, want to emulate or identify with? (if you do admire, want to emulate or identify with anybody) 10. Is there anything you'd like to do now, but that you don't have the guts to do? If so, what? 11. What are your favorite ways to express yourself? Is there any interesting way to express oneself that you'd like to try?
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