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Sunday, December 16. 2012You often see cool stuffs you can't photography
Hey knees, In the streets of Strasbourg, near the ponts couverts : ![]() I had to take these pictures with a mp3 player I got for free! Also, a green bike, a red bike; and the green bike has a red chain. IT JUST MAKES ME HAPPY! ![]() ![]() I was wearing this that day: ![]() I was told these necklaces were made in Congo, so if anybody ever ask I'll say I got these in Congo (Cronenbourg's annual flea market), since I have a private airplane, and I got the bermudas last century, since I also have a private time machine. When I want, I rewind, fast forward. Let's rewind Hey knees, Fast forward Good night! Another day, I stole my neighbors' bike, but only for a picture since it's made for someone with really weird propotions : ![]() ![]() ![]() I found a way to wear that mask all the time! Hmm, well, yeah, though wearing it on a hat was a pretty obvious idea, it adds something. At first I wanted this scarf thingy to look more ruffy, but since I had to constantly correct how it looked, I let it go. I won my chess game during the club tournament, but I played very, very badly which just makes me feel weird about winning. Otherwise, I got lost in Niederhausbergen taking the bus, couldn't do anything I wanted to do since it was too late. I almost had a panic attack and I don't mean it as an exaggeration, but then I found a nice cute little children park decorated for Christmas, and it was so playground-like and there were these littlegingerbread men as decorations and all. Couldn't take a decent picture, but I decided to make the most of the fact I was lost in a pretty place and had fun. There were real, live storks! Going back home in another bus, it stopped near a car where a baby was looking at me, so I waved hello and ze answered me! It was just nice, because the baby was waving hello to me, not expecting anything from me and looking happy : ![]() Good night! Friday, November 30. 2012Who loves mandarin limonade?![]() ![]() All but the top (hand-me-down from long ago) and jacket (Auchan) from our district annual fleamarket. The other day I found this interesting but short thing: Design Thinking LAB: Math Goes Fashion I heard someone says you shouldn't care about discriminations 'cause it's only a problem for some socials groups, and other more important things like unemployment concerns everybody (in particular discriminated groups, right?) Well, kudos, this person understood that discrimination wasn't a problem for everybody, now check out the end of the definition. I feel like my sentences makes no sense and I played Neverwinter Nights which has no relation to that whatsoever. I have a familiar bat, don't mock me, you won't since I play alone without you, but now that I've told you ?! 1. I just appreciate the animal and 2. Thala (I named this little flying mammal cutie.) scares trolls and fire giants! Yesterday, I was at a VIP thing and drank champagne, limonade (which put me in that state) and ate macarons (I hated this last one!) which does sound cool and all, 'til I tell you they just sent me and invitation because I have a fidelity card at the Galerie Lafayette (don't know why I asked for it), but while reading the thing I thought about the free food. Free food is one of the coolest thing in life, and I didn't expect it would free things I could never afford and taste normally, though if I could have afforded it I wouldn't have because there are better things to buy than good food, like just food. It was way better than the oh-so-expensive salon Créativa things, where I got told off for wanting to taste ALL the chocolates : « it's for tasting, not for eating! » I was told by some fellow with thunders in the eyes and voice. That's what I'm doing, do you really think clients are gonna buy your oh-so-expensive food without tasting one of each to see which chocolate is the best? So, maybe I look like I didn't have money for that, not enough it was true, but if I did I wouldn't have bought anything after that; so, let's pretend I had enough money and didn't buy anything. At the Galeries Lafayette, I was told to drink more limonades and taste more and everything, and the limonade was so, so good. I even got some free Agnès b. condoms, which I'm impatient to convert into water bombs as soon as the necessity to serve and protect My Country(c), My Homeland(c) will show up! I saw rich folks (I assume, I guess lots of them came just for the phree phood!) with tiny little dogs wearing tiny little strass-y collars and tiny little jackets ! Real kitsch folks that I only saw on the TV before! When I say kitsch, it's a compliment. OH SO TINY LITTLE DOGS! I talked to a Dolène with a grey hair bob, a fake fur overcoat and huuuge sunglasses and it was fabulous. When I get older, I want to dress like that, but I don't know if it's me because it looks too extraverted and too, but you see these people in movies dressed like that and getting whatever they ask for, and generally being cool and kitsch, and you want to dress the same, and you see real people dressing like that! Yeah, I understand most people don't get what they ask for, but still! ![]() The picture is badly taken, but it almost looks as if it was done on purpose and as if I edited it. I took some better pictures of this outfits, but this one is weirdly more agreeable to look at. Or my eyes-brain thing is buggy. ![]() ![]() I like myself. Notice, admire, emulate. (I only say that because it sounded nice in my original post : constatez, admirez, émulez.) Post guaranteed without drugs. Post-Escarole: also, I joined a fashion design workshop and the people there scares me. More later, maybe, I just need to admit to myself I'm scared. Wednesday, September 19. 2012Tiredness
Today I succeeded at waking up at 11AM (my initial goal: 7:30AM) to go to an informal training in weaving.
Using a weaving loom is really tiring, but you feel real cool. The clients enter and see you using the thing, and it looks good. Also, there are lots of pretty clothes around and stuffs to make clothes with. And finally, it's not really tiring, it's just the hippie boss or something forgot to turn on the ventilator, so you're getting really warm ; I think my body should always be this tired, in fact it's like when I had a normal school kid life and was tired from walking home, maybe I'll finally be able to sleep normally tonight as I'm not as stressed as I was in school, and more physically tired than when I just stay home. So for short, here are pictures of one outfit with what seems to be my favorite skirt. I wanted to talk about some other things, Vionnet and all, but have been really busy with having a life and am tired and I like my life these days. I'll try updating with some photos another day. ![]() ![]() ![]() There are so many things I want to do, but don't have time. At least it means that I'm getting better. Wish you all the best! Friday, August 31. 2012I've got a Sunshine Award!
Last week, I was nominated for the Sunshine Award by Sienna, blogging at The Little Leopard (thanks!), and just love such things. It's kind of like chain mails, but not the spam-y ones, the game-y ones. Like at school they would make these chain mails with questions, you had the choice to answer the questions or not, if you did you had to give the same questions to some friends or just people you knew if you didn't have friends, so the game didn't stay in the same social group forever and some people got new friends. Isn't that cooler than that not-a-game which says a bloody eyed lady will come haunt my bedroom tonight if I ignore it, but in fact she never comes because too many people already ignored it and she's busy and it's no fun anymore, so you're sad?
![]() Anyway! <3 ![]() Recently, I went to our annual flea market, and bought those things amongst others: ![]() Then, realizing I didn't smoke and didn't want to, I gave them to my mother, thus encouraging her in that bothersome habit. ![]() I found that book, Le Chic et le look by somelady with a difficult name, didn't even know it existed. ![]() I own this tie-pin since a while and it's only now that I understood it was the European Union's logo. I don't know, maybe for some folks I'm wearing it for political reasons, but I just think it's pretty? and it's kind of confusing. I wore that at some point: ![]() This necklace makes me think of Sailor Moon's brooch. I didn't censor my face, I'm just wearing really hype new sunglasses. I really love my hair that way: ![]() One bother with this outfit, was the bag that I have to keep glueing back; it's in vinyl and cardboard material, and it. won't. stay! ![]() 1.What would you most like to change about yourself? Like Sienna I'd like to have any notion of time management, though I'm getting better these days. Or maybe, I'd like to be able to sleep properly so I'd actually have times to manage when my brain isn't off. 2. What is your theme song? Depends on my mood. You'd need a theme playlist. 3. One part of your life memory, action, etc. that you wish you could surgically remove from your brain? No. I've gotten better at handling bad memories. Plus, if I just remove these, maybe somehow I'd still "remember" deep inside and would get really stressed without even understanding? 4. What generation do you wish you had been apart of? A generation in the future so I would already know about what happened now, could romanticize nowadays' present and know what'll happen in that future's future when I'll be older. 5. What was your favorite childhood toy? I didn't play a lot: I watched TV, read and played videogames... I don't know if videogames count as toys, so the pokémon card games. That or the Pokémon and Creatures games. 6. What's your favorite housecleaning chore? Sleeping. If you sleep, you don't make a mess, so you don't have to clean. Plus, it's good for your health. 7. Do you Tweet? Rarely, but I tweet as @maxensmaxwell 8. Any goals? I want to get that damn baccalauréat next year, get a job, maybe participate in the Bata fashion design contest (though I'd need a derogation) and a chess tournament. I want to learn to draw better and do some more DIY projects. These are all short-term goals, so I don't overwork myself. Get regular, normal sleep patterns again. Blog more. Finish Neverwinter Nights 2 (or play it until I'm bored.) 9. Do you really drink margaritas all the time? What? No. 10. What is the ugliest car you've ever driven and were embarrassed to be seen in? None. I've never driven a car. I nominate, hoping they haven't been nominated for it before and already answered because that would be awkward: LILURATU Opposite of Style Kitschy Purple, bananas and fudgeballs Drastic Plastic MydaGreat Lovely Life of Car All About Bree Sweets and Hearts Grunge Queen And... I don't know. Somehow I feel uncomfortable nominating bloggers who aren't in my age range or who have very professional-looking blogs. I had to push myself nominating you all. I'm too shy to nominate people who are prisoners of the Internet and aren't gonna eat my flesh if it... what's the worse that could happen? If you accept the Sunshine Award, you have to: 1. answer the questions on your blog, or make elusive jokes ![]() 2. post the Sunshine Award's picture along with it; 3. nominate around 10 other inspiring bloggers and let them know. Monday, August 6. 2012We're going down, dow, do
This was supposed to be a drawing of Prince :
![]() Wikipedia says doodling is recognised as an astique-tique form, or rather a fartastic way of expressing one-self, so I did good! Incredible, I just learned graffiti existed for centuries! :o ![]() I found this skirt at Le Léopard, sadly I found another grey one which fitted me perfectly, a long one, and it costed 3€ which was 3€ too much. That last poor skirt got stacked in the DEFECTIVES box, for no valid reason, just because of its cut. Otherwise, I wore the shirt's collar outside the jacket all day and the jacket is La Redoute, shirt Halles aux Vêtements. I've got these when I was respectively 14 and 13. Today I was supposed to do important stuffs, but ended up watching Sailor Moon (seeing how I spent the last weeks watching Shion no Ou, Hikaru no Go, Chihayafuru and then reading the mangas and Sangatsu no Lion, I think it's a great change?) and reading Play like a girl! by Jennifer Shahade. I only made the first 15 tactics which were really simple, but it seems they get progressively harder; these are taken from both women-only and all-genders games, it happened that I found one which was from a game I already knew, say because I searched all of Irina Krush's games using the Reti or something. Then I went to read the biographies and really liked that some games were from NORMAL FOLKS, like Abby Marshall and Medina Parrilla, showing how chess can be useful outside of being a hobby if you're not Hou Yifan (not that I dislike Hou Yifan) and it was empowering, like intended, but... I mean, it's also like saying "your chess is as good as mine even as a non-professional"? It was nice, I also liked how she would ask questions like: can you find out how, can you be the next? Which really made me want to do competitive chess. Check out the editor, 9queens, about empowerment through chess and all. After it all, I went to search stuffs in my room to send an Internet friend living in Paris: stickers, tulle tickets, postcards, drawings, cute stuffs for cleaning your glasses. She'll send me similar stuffs in return, which is awesome. Today, I wore my corset: ![]() Midagreat is cool, I'm gonna steal this idea with the belts: ![]() Wow! Reading it back makes me feel bad about my procrastinating, I must now do a bit of what I was supposed to do... Sunday, July 8. 2012I'm late.
As I started playing chess again, I did almost nothing of what I wanted/should have done lately. Just did tactics and played and.
On the other end, I've slept during the night for the whole week, no white night or anything. Our neighbour gave use lots of clothes size 52 (I don't know) and, as I needed fabric, I used skirts to make jabot-like things. Though this one was a (sort of) table runner: ![]() ![]() Yeah, didn't sleep that day. I found out a bunch of people preparing for what seemed to be a run, it was the annual run or marathon thing or whatever, 2 kilometers. Asked if I could watch, then I went to volunteer by error, 'cause one asked be to distribute water and I was too lazy/scared to walk away. Anyway, I took a picture that I can't publish of someone running wearing a costume crinoline, so it's kind of a win. One guy asked me if I was "passionate about athletism" and to ogle the coureurs, which would be the male runners... WTF? Also: ![]() I always end up like that in photos! How am I going to do everything I should have done before the end of the week? I'm wearing this necklace I made: ![]() It says flowers are kinky! If it wasn't true, how would you explain the things they do with these racy, waspish things? I found a lot of stuffs with great colors: ![]() ![]() I got a lot of these things for free at the friperie. It's a corset under the other things. My brain is too tired to speak english.
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