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Vest: La Redoute; top, necklace, pants: thrifted; shoes: André.
Details, if you look well you'll see more flowers on the necklaces' pearls: 
The 28/08, I went at a fleamarket. After tooking real care of not spending all my money so I could buy new
godasses (I'm french, therefore I can drop french words avec plus de raison que Simon Doonan), I finally bought combat boots that didn't fit at all! It isn't an habitude question, they'll never fit me.
Thinking I could have bought myself a Nintendo 64 instead, or other combat boots that would have fit me, and newer, that the seller proposed for the same price. I have these vinyls for way longer, given by my uncle. I was really surprised listening to Katmandu's Katmandu, I imagined it was a mockery with tamtams, but it was damn great. I listened to it only one time, that was today or yesterday evening, I think the singings and guitar especially were interesting. The cover of the vinyl was sort of pitiful but good in a kitsch way, but the thing on which they wrote the lyrics is a tad better, full of little drawings, like someone's notebook. Seeing these drawings, I thought it was some sort of hippy music, or hippy-themed music, an imitation since it was out in 1984.
Speaking of hippies, I wanted to buy bell-bottom pants for a while since I saw the movie Hair; I know what you're gonna say: “ un hippie, une triplex ”, you're so
la stière.
For the
PPMB, I found back that picture from when I was even more of a kid, I think it's interesting in the childhood picture,
photo d'enfance, kind of interesting, sadly I don't have the words that fit to accompany it. I'm not wearing my glasses, I'm smiling and I hold someone despite the fact I'm not wanting to — watching it, I could believe it's the last proof of a good memory I'd like to live again, and again and again, and that all the joke was like that — but you must admit I look scared :
Another day, in an amusement park, I wanted to go on a jumping bicycle. My mother was opposing that decision, because I didn't ride a bicycle for a long time, she started hurling louder and louder, fully irrationnal, and I finished crying almost pushed against a wall. Then, we were put back in the car, the girl in the picture and me and were brought somewhere else (home). I looked back and slowly watched the amusement park disappearing, just like in movies.