I'm writing at night. The time is gonna go forward or has already gone forward. More than it usually do: we added an hour to today. I decided not to sleep tonight, the hour change makes it easier, so I can adjust my sleep hours and maybe finally be able to sleep normally forever. I'll also be using herbal sleeping aids for some time, which helped me a lot the last days. Now I need to adjust the time during which I sleep, as I want to sleep at night.
Not sleeping: its effects on my brain is that of a drug and my hands' veins are popping, which makes me think of an anatomical illustration only with added skin. It's a tad creepy. On the other hand (pun!), my joins are also sort-of popping, which is weird but usual.
Some days ago was Lucy Lawless' birthday. Happy 45 years! For me she'll always be Xena <3 though I like what she does as herself too, but may I mention how much I like her name :
- It's an alliteration;
- Lawless sounds so rebel and cool.
Alouette gentille alouette.
Alouette allitération. L'alouette aux allitérations.
Hop. Who doesn't like alliterations?
I bought this headband thing at a shop where everything is 2€. I find that kind of expensive for what it is, but would have been too lazy to do something similar myself and had money at the moment, lots of. So the scarf was made by my neighbor's sister, who also happen to be my neighbor as she lives with her in the building aside of mine, at a social craft group for folks with mental disabilities. From times to times she is picked up by a tiny van rearranged to be used as a sort-of car or bus to drive her there with other people.
I love this thing. The scarf and the van thing. I once saw a real school bus! I love these thing, always wanted to go to school in one. Real buses are too... banal, habitual, humdrum. There's always too many people in there! Have you ever seen an overcrowded school bus? (I guess it exist, but let me dream.)
The necklace, I bought at a fleamarket because it reminded me of Lisa Simpson. Just recently I found many ways to wear it.
My mom cut my hair, now it's longer again, and I dyed it with henna two times after that (this photo was taken before.)
Now it's a bit longer again.
My mom also makes flan (and cookies now that I taught her after learning from some sexist asshole, unfortunately.)
Loona wanted me to give her a picture, so here it goes; here goes an advertisment-type picture for my mom's flans.
I love the contrast coming from wearing this hoodie with stuffs people consider elegant and all thinking it should not be mixed, but first and foremost you must admit it goes well together.
« My jacket is a fashion miracle. » — Will Smith,
The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air edited by Teevy, ch. 12 p. 326 (bow to my book smarts! yep it is!)
The remainder of the outfit, the skirt especially, reminds me of a picture of a woman and her bike taken last century.
Some kids and their dog. One woman and her bike. A man and his whale.
Find the one that shouldn't be listed.
Somebody at the stylism workshop also taught me that this necklace was from Vivienne Westwood, which I totally didn't know. I'm happy to not have paid for it, thanks uncle, and add it to my list of stuffs to sell if I ever need money desperately (because I kinda really like this necklace.)
Ah now that I'm finished writing, I don't feel so trip-y or tired. I guess it was a peak of alertness.
Also, I took this picture before starting and not finishing a skirt, because I thought the colors and light looked beautiful: