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Friday, September 13. 2013End of the summer
Soon enough.
I've got more recent pictures, but here are some I took this summer. I've got others, in a computer mess. I like these ones. I'm finally in a picture as a whole: ![]() I forget why I was dressed that way, plus it's hard to explain in words. Now I think it's a bit cartoon-y, and I liked the size of the tie in comparison with that of the skirt, the colors, the big pattern on the skirt and the leg warmers (f*** the summer!) I found it a tad futuristic, because of the colors. Weird ass posture. ![]() A pix of me when I had more fingers than ordinary. Don't know why I took it, most probably to take advantage of the possibilities offered by my excessive number or fingers. Then, straight to the bed! Ah! I didn't edit the picture, but it was like that in the viewer so I screen-capped it and hoppla. Yumbada. Rhursday I was at a Rosh Hashanah seder. Last week's thursday. I needed to stop to ask myself if it was thursday, before the day when I wrote this in french? This week's thursday I was at the library. Lots of books. During the summer we could borrow an unlimited number of books and CDs, to bring back in September, October. Bringing these back will be a bother, the (abridged) printed borrowed book list was longer than my legs. Obviously, after bringing back my books, read only partially, I borrowed others. Otherwise, I ate well at the seder, except I missed half of the food because I listened to people talking (and talked a bit also, but less.) ![]() This outfit, I wore a necklace you can't see in the picture. One representing a naked woman wielding an arc, which makes me think of amazons. The top makes me think of a corset, old medieval pictures, Xena. I wore it because it reminded me of old things worn by characters who do magic and nice shit. I think at some points, corsets were used by weightlifters for their back? Then it evolved in some sort of girdle... gymnastic thing? ![]() The dress makes me think of a witch, and I wore the cardigan as a cape. I bought it in a fleamarket, with the skirt I wear under the dress. It's more interesting than the dress alone. The cardigan is my favorite color, and has a nice smooth texture, like a kitten or a puppy or maybe a baby bat. ![]() Tights from La Redoute. Sadly, broke after one or two wears. ![]() Don't have the mask anymore. Gave it to someone who kept it that I don't see anymore. What a weird summer. Made lots of mistakes or just one big. I'm going to do a sewing formation. Pôle Emploi is helping me pay 2800€ of it. The first person I talked to about it told me Pôle Emploi would never help me pay for it and ordered not to do it, not to become a couturière. Then at the Mission Locale, they were nicer. I still need to write a CV and motivation letter for the file or form, but I'm confident. Then I'll pass the CAP as a free candidate, I did all the administrative shit needed to have the right to pass it (I registered to the census like I was supposed to do some years ago!) ![]() I was given the bag for free at the same fleamarket. At the seder I talked to a dude whose great-grand-mother was deported. It makes it all the more real. As a child I was at someone's place because my grand-mother was the because my grand-mother gave me money because there was food, and one of the other person had numbers tattooed on her skin. She wore long sleeves, but I still saw it by error, and I thought it was just a weird tattoo because for me, I know some things happened in the past but it was very abstract and it still is. I just knew it happened and now it's like a bad dream. I mean I can see clearly things that happened in my head, things I heard and have been told or saw in pictures or movies, but it's as if it was my imagination. I was way more difficult to disturb as a child. Otherwise, at some point I wanted to go in Russia, but apparently Russia dislike gay people. My brain does weird things, like at some point it wasn't allowed to learn Hebrew in URSS, Russia dislike gay people. The world is seriously disturbing. I think about disturbing stuffs most of the time, and the rest of the time I'm either lazying or jumping around and bothering my dog with a weird smile on my face. It's a bore because when I start I can't stop, and now I'm crying. Before entering collège (late middle school/junior high) during the summer, my mother bought me the Diary of Anne Frank, so for me those were things of the past. At some point she, Anne Frank, talks about how she asked her friend if they could mutually (I remember the word, mutually) touch each others' breasts and that she once thought periods came from the clitoris. I asked my mother what clitoris meant, and she asked whether it was a book for me (conclusion : my mom didn't read Anne Frank.) (Thankfully I already know how to use my clitoris, because I learned recently that my mom think masturbation is nonsense or something.) So it seemed to me totally normal to do such things with another girl. Later I thought, sincerely, that it was all from the past. Now I know people are profoundly bothered by homosexuals and the idea that women aren't forced to do things with men and can refuse without giving a reason. I will never go in Russia or Ecuador, because I don't want to go in jail by error. It's not even just the fact that they are bothered, and dislike, or "like" but are profoundly bothered by, it's the acts and the fact people are encouraging, voluntarily or not, acts of hate. Anyway, I don't have money to go in Ecuador and never left Strasbourg and it's great like that to never have been forced to leave Strasbourg; just for that I would like to stay in Strasbourg forever and never leave, but I want to see the world. It's just, to think at some point people hid because they were Jewish and still do, and now people still hide that they aren't heterosexual, and it's forced and understandable and not funny. When I was a kid, I sincerely thought it wasn't the case anymore, a thing of the past. I don't know how people do who can't hide what other people hate in them. Now they'll say, it's not that we hate you, it's just that you are different... so it's like that and we'll never try another way, or some just think it's your fault after all. The funny part is, in some cases you can't tell someone who hid being Jewish that you aren't heterosexual. I find it funny in a weird way because my brain is disturbed. Being crazy is amazing. Also I want to poop because it's all such a bore and some people are in worst places than me, in life and on a map. Now I'm smiling naively and I want to jump or what. I think about beautiful russian books and movies and it bother me profoundly that Russia dislike gay people. Still, eating is good. I like this song, but never knew who sang it until recently: Monday, April 15. 2013Feed your head
So, as I like starting my sentences with "so" and "and" and "but, today I feel good and I'm gonna write a blog post.It's been quite some times since I wanted to blog about these outfits, now the verbal part of my brain died.
It's getting warmer and warmer, that moment of the year when we can wear nice stuffs, not being totally naked under the sweat and not wearing ten sweaters imbricated in each others, made in different kind of wools & colors or without wool even, something geometrical and nice like Rei Kawakubo would make and that you can't see under all those blankets or my boring overcoat. All Against Ah-Hotness. I even got a sunburn just when the sun started to get out of his shell, so if it gets any warmer I think I'll die even wearing sunscreen, but this weather right now is perfect and everything is beautiful and I don't even want to poison people and pigeons in the park. I'm even able to sleep at night and my neighbors, the Addams, are pretty anxious about my case. ![]() I recently read Alice in Wonderland (and did not finish it yet ![]() You may admire my Jefferson Airplane t-shirt, that I wore in that picture without even noticing the thing. Not that I thought I was bare-chested, but you get me. ![]() My hair looking good. ![]() I wore this dress almost every day last week. When I had to go out, I took off this jacket to be able to wear my boring overcoat for the last time and it greatly bothered me (or, I didn't know what the frog to do, posing feels so awkward!) ![]() I became visually vulgar, not even noticing that my face was unclean. My aunt gave that cardigan to my mom and the fingerless glove is from german magazine Mädchen. Sheer horror! ![]() This one was inspired by a costume Michael Bland wore, drummer of the New Power Generation, which made him look like either a turtle or a tortoise, I can never tell. When I was in the escalators, somebody did the exact opposite of giving me the finger or whistling at me: a smiling thumb up. That was nice. The shirt was a gift and the necklace comes from a fleamarket. ![]() I look tired because I just woke up and it's the only photo where I don't look like I'm still sleeping. This morning, I had to walk my ❤furry killer❤ ![]() I found the mickey Pez on the ground another day and he's happy and looking good while just popping out of my pocket. Well, sure, it's some sort of consumerist symbol or something, but Mickey does look pretty. The top is from La Redoute and the jacket from a fleamarket (can you see a pattern?) As for Alice, here is an unicode character for the Queen of Hearts: Sunday, March 31. 2013Lalala
I'm writing at night. The time is gonna go forward or has already gone forward. More than it usually do: we added an hour to today. I decided not to sleep tonight, the hour change makes it easier, so I can adjust my sleep hours and maybe finally be able to sleep normally forever. I'll also be using herbal sleeping aids for some time, which helped me a lot the last days. Now I need to adjust the time during which I sleep, as I want to sleep at night.
Not sleeping: its effects on my brain is that of a drug and my hands' veins are popping, which makes me think of an anatomical illustration only with added skin. It's a tad creepy. On the other hand (pun!), my joins are also sort-of popping, which is weird but usual. Some days ago was Lucy Lawless' birthday. Happy 45 years! For me she'll always be Xena <3 though I like what she does as herself too, but may I mention how much I like her name :
Alouette gentille alouette. Alouette allitération. L'alouette aux allitérations. Hop. Who doesn't like alliterations? ![]() ![]() I bought this headband thing at a shop where everything is 2€. I find that kind of expensive for what it is, but would have been too lazy to do something similar myself and had money at the moment, lots of. So the scarf was made by my neighbor's sister, who also happen to be my neighbor as she lives with her in the building aside of mine, at a social craft group for folks with mental disabilities. From times to times she is picked up by a tiny van rearranged to be used as a sort-of car or bus to drive her there with other people. I love this thing. The scarf and the van thing. I once saw a real school bus! I love these thing, always wanted to go to school in one. Real buses are too... banal, habitual, humdrum. There's always too many people in there! Have you ever seen an overcrowded school bus? (I guess it exist, but let me dream.) The necklace, I bought at a fleamarket because it reminded me of Lisa Simpson. Just recently I found many ways to wear it. ![]() My mom cut my hair, now it's longer again, and I dyed it with henna two times after that (this photo was taken before.) Now it's a bit longer again. ![]() My mom also makes flan (and cookies now that I taught her after learning from some sexist asshole, unfortunately.) Loona wanted me to give her a picture, so here it goes; here goes an advertisment-type picture for my mom's flans. I love the contrast coming from wearing this hoodie with stuffs people consider elegant and all thinking it should not be mixed, but first and foremost you must admit it goes well together. « My jacket is a fashion miracle. » — Will Smith, The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air edited by Teevy, ch. 12 p. 326 (bow to my book smarts! yep it is!) The remainder of the outfit, the skirt especially, reminds me of a picture of a woman and her bike taken last century. Some kids and their dog. One woman and her bike. A man and his whale. Find the one that shouldn't be listed. ![]() Somebody at the stylism workshop also taught me that this necklace was from Vivienne Westwood, which I totally didn't know. I'm happy to not have paid for it, thanks uncle, and add it to my list of stuffs to sell if I ever need money desperately (because I kinda really like this necklace.) Ah now that I'm finished writing, I don't feel so trip-y or tired. I guess it was a peak of alertness. Also, I took this picture before starting and not finishing a skirt, because I thought the colors and light looked beautiful: ![]() Friday, February 15. 2013Today is the day for SNOW LOVE![]() Yeah, so I said I'd post something "tomorrow", which meant three days later. Happy belated Valentine's day! It feels so weird saying it, because I can't help thinking of the Strasbourg massacre which happened centuries ago and was so small in comparison to other modern massacres. Turns out it's the biggest killing in history that's been done on a Valentine's day, though! The 11, it snowed great, everything looked like a green sugar coated cake, whereas today we got 20 cm of snow or more... even better, but my mom hates that because she have to drive a car to work. I wore these stuffs and walked my little furry friend. ![]() ![]() I like how romantic it looks, the way it's cinched. Also, hot chocolate gave me a chaplinstache. Which leads me to, I unfortunately found nazi websites, which were weird. These people could be anyone you know, you know? Nazis. They're not nice and seem to hate everyone and you're in danger. You could even see them outside, and be like: "what a cutie pie." Hey, let's talk about Gladys Bentley instead. Gladys Bentley was nice. Neat. Cool. SHE WAS A MOTHERFREEZER. Proof in hats: ![]() ![]() A person who's smiling while wearing hats is a person who's wearing hats! So, following nazi lofic, Hitler had a sledge and smiled on pictures which makes him fundamentally just despites stuffs he did, but Gladys Bentley had a hat and sledges are a jewish conspiration (proof: my jewish ancestors maybe had sledges since in their era snow already existed and people had fun with that rather than with tamagotchis, which hadn't been invented yet, so?), so Gladys Bentley wins! End of interlude. Copyright fuzzy nazi logic, clothes resaler. ![]() ![]() ![]() Shirt, belt: Vétis 1€ for 1kg trays; Backpack: 1.50€ at Vétis, plus patches and a pin's from the FSFE, I'll add so many more patches next; Dress: Auchan, Hair accessory, gloves, brooch: fleamarkets. At first, I wasn't cold at all in this outfit, let's say it was just a bit cold like a spring morning. I should have been cold, though, and when it got colder I went home. This morning I was supposed to wake up early to buy fabric, but yeah. Here I am writing to you all. Plus, my bitch's colorful run for you: ![]() Tuesday, February 12. 2013Do You Have A Problem With That?
I'm posting these pictures right now, so I can post those I took yesterday tomorrow. Go!
![]() I first wanted to make a skirt out of this shirt, but I think I'm gonna keep it like that. Not sure! I thought the picture was horrible, but it's better than I thought. ![]() Nowadays I can wear it over other stuffs, so I'm 1. warm 2. pluridimensionally dressed and can wear more layers of different textures and stuffs. Hat: Vétis, Skirt: Fabio Lucci from when I was 13, Shirt: gift, Necklace: gift from hippy boss when I was learning how to weave, clip-on earrings: Le Léopard Friperie. I like how contrasting the shirt is with the structure and overall feeling of the outfit, while it also changes it! Good evening to all of you! Friday, January 25. 2013And they love each other so, androgynous
I'm supposed to be in bed now, but here I am writing! English title not so fit, because those outfits aren't what is considered aesthetically androgynous, but I'm just listening to that song. French title is a translation of a sentence from Nina Simone's I wish I knew how it felt to be free, so you get The Replacements since I'm listening to that now.
![]() Now I'm listening to Nina Simone again. I recently bought purple lipstick for 3€ at Claire's, so that outfit was constructed around that and around the fact that it was friggin' cold. After a while, that lipstick become clearer like in that picture then a bit blue and the starting color is nice too! It's not the shade of purple I wanted first, but I like it and it's great for the price. You can see it better in this photo: ![]() I'm smiling because I want to. I hate that idea that I'm a bad person if I don't smile or "stupid" (hate that word!) if I smile without a reason. Some people really think these stuffs! Skirt, clip-on earrings: fleamarket, blouse & sweater: old La Redoute. I did that with Gimp as I was bored and lost the original picture: ![]() I did that without searching any result in particular, but now see how it could be better. In the end, it looks kind of like an old paperdoll collaged over an old photography. You have trouble seeing the scarf thing, but I wanted to show you how I tied it up, knotted it, however you say. I'm wearing my hair this way more and more often as I think I look better like that. I think I'm gonna cut these, maybe in a bob like Louise Brooks' or a long pixie with some hair going on my face like this. Any ideas? I think it's doable on my own, hmm, I think I'm gonna do that on impulse like when I got a fringe. I also like this bob, but too long: it looks too much like when I had a fringe and shorter hair.
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