I broke the blog while suppressing default templates, then making more shitastic mistakes. I told myself: it's gonne cause some problems, but I'm gonna try to see which and it's surely fast to repair. It just took much more time as I'm dumb and lack sleep but I think I'm gonna reajust myself. To the world.
these clothes I'm wearing came from different places. The blouse is bought from la Redoute, other stuffs were given to me or come from fleamarkets. Necklace is a broken chapelet with a brooche clipped on it, headband is my best childhood memory
I already visited some old home of someone with blue with vertical yellow rays and big
sunflowers wallpapers all around. There was a tad of white too, parting in vertical rays, and too skinny dark blue lines on all sides of the yellow pâté vomit.
Lately I searched things about the new pokémon. I was really re-into Pokémon, playing the old games, listening to the CDs, the themes, seeing back episodes, searching stuffs. Now it's lower, but now I'll get all the legendary ones. I'd want to find Black or White to try it when I've more money.
It happens a lot I've to talk to people and get into a loop conversation, a prison conversation. They speak, and I answer, and I think next sentence would be "Have a nice day and let's never see each other again!" as I said something that's said a lot before the "Have a nice day...". But no.
The worse being at the end, it happens they tell me to "have another day with them, let's see each other again, but when?" as if it was an evidence. Or wanting to kiss me (or ask me to touch them, or follow them). And ask me why not!
As if there should be any fucking reason. Worse than salespersons. (nothing against you, salespersons! just the archetype, the very culture idea.)
As if I already accepted anything, or didn't try avoiding them, or already told them to leave me alone. Otherwise, if I want to talk to someone I really want to talk to, it's like it was an evidence for them I wanted them to leave me alone and avoid me, they say, it's like I didn't want to talk. But it dooooeeeesn'ttt make people I don't trust leave me alone or get scared or.
For what it's worth, I tried drawing stuffs. It must happen to me one time every fifty. Years. But I did because I read some books on some penciling. I need to try other techniques or whatever it is called in presomptous world that will be mine like Wayne's guitar.
Habitually I stop because first try doesn't look like what I thought, or look like a variation of my thought I did not have time to think of.

I invite you to critic this whole cargaison.
First try, laughable (yeah, and that other one upper left too). First's shoes are supposed to be similar, a tad, to cothurns and the invisible Nosferatu t-shirt is here to mark an evident non-subtle link to greek origin or vampiric myth, broucolacas and bourekis, if we were to believe either
Add to this, I'd really like Rudolf's vest in the Little Vampire since my very innocence, or what period of my life society defines as the more innocent.
As for now, I'd wish you the most unpleasant dreams and drums.